Galt Adventist® School

I can learn about the world around me, so I can live a life that empowers others.
>Welcome >Tuition Assistance >Partnering For Eternity

Partnering For Eternity

What is Partnering For Eternity?

The Partnering for Eternity Program (PFE) Scholarship Program has been building relationships between mentors and students at Seventh-day Adventist academies and elementary schools since 2006. To date 2,000 kids across the United States have participated. Galt Adventist School has been participating in the PFE Program for the last 6 years.

The goal of the program is for students and mentors to create intergenerational relationships and experience the blessing of service.

In the process, students receive scholarship for the their tuition and mentors receive the gift of friendship and ability to teach their knowledge and skills to the younger generation, hopefully making an impact for years to come. To watch a short clip of the PFE Legacy Story click here or visit for more information.

The Perfect Mentor

The "perfect mentor" is a person who needs a visit the most! We recommend you seek mentor matches that ease senior isolation. We also recommend seeking gender matches and alignment of hobbies and interest. In best practice examples, mentors are not even close family friends prior to PFE visits, but new relationships where both the student and mentor can grow and expand their circle together.

Scholarship Funds

Galt Adventist School has a PFE Committee comprised of 5 individuals who provide 30% of the scholarship funds and the PFE Foundation provides the remaining 70%.

THIRTY DOLLARS TUITION CREDIT is given for each visit for up to four visits in one month (4 x $30 = $120 a month). However, the scholarship money is not the most important thing, rather it is about the relationships that are being formed.


The steps that need to be completed in order to participate, include:

  1. Choosing a mentor that is not related in any way. Visits are with one mentor in their home, one time a week, for one hour. The visits are a chance to share one's talents with others and allow others to share theirs with you. A parent or caregiver MUST be present at each session for reasons of safety and to help assist in the formation of a strong relationship between the student and mentor.
  2. A reflection of the visit is submitted by the student within 24 hours after the visit to earn credit. These reflections are sentence per grade level comments. For example, if a student is in fourth grade, that student would submit four sentences. Reflections will be submitted on the computer. Along with the written reflection, pictures can be sent in but it's not required. Each student will be required to sign up for a PFE account with their own unique email address. This is typically done during orientation every year. Or go to and click Student Application.
  3. Students and parents should attend a program orientation in August.


The PFE Coordinator for Galt Adventist School is Lois Gifford and can be reached through:


Mrs. Riddlesperger and Abi make a brick path.
Mrs. Riddlesperger and Abi make a brick path.


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